

colourful mid-century geometric ceramic

Wooden Trivets

A triangle is the least likely solution for any design problem, maybe that's why I'm preferring them to their more practical cousins, the circle and square. I once tried to make a ceramic replica of Picasso's triangular vase from his tomato plant pic but —in professional potter's parlance— it went all wonky. Still, I'm satisfied by these 3 trivets from Brighton's Utility, a bonkers old plate that's all angles, or this tiny pendant that Edward honed from an old St. Christopher... even though it invites conversation with some of society's more cosmic characters!
Hand cranfted geometric jewelery


Cold Snaps

I thought I got cold enough photographing last night's moonlit snow but there were so many visitors to the bird feeder this morning, I had to nip out and snap some more. I must've cut a pretty suspicious figure because no one flew by until I was gone again. Typical. I did take a heap of snowscape pics of the wooded hill behind us but they're even cheesier than these!



Silk-screened card, wallpaper sheers and red cylinder vases

Straight from the print-bed this week (via drying rack/guillotine/creaser) come 500 Tulips, my new favourite card. The vase and table cloth aren't based on anything actual, which is a shame, I'd kinda like to own them. Anyone would think I'm channelling the spirit of spring but I'll be out there celebrating today's snowfall... just as soon as I find those stupid-thick socks! 



Mmm, now, who best to illustrate 150 years of the London Underground this week; Enid Marx; Eduardo Paolozzi; Harry Beck; Edward Johnston or Charles Holden? Why not have some Marianne Straub from the V&A's understandably excellent archive.


Out of the Woods

Owl, Fox, Hedgehog and Peacock silk-screened greetings

Even though stationery buyers like to see samples a good few months in advance, we're pretty crap at designing out-of-season; it's so much easier drawing Christmas cards when you're knee-deep in Christmas.

Baubles aside, we've made a few other styles this last month, like this small series of woodcut cards (though, more honestly, they're collages). Not sure whether to print four-colours or just black'n'white like The Patterned Pals range they'll be replacing.

Owl, Fox, Hedgehog and Peacock silk-screened greetings

Though I'll sure be sorry to loose The Patterned Pals (alongside the other styles we've had printed elsewhere over the years), I'm convinced that they made a better economic model than an ecological one; hand-printing to order is simply too efficient!

Whatever the colour, I like the electrified 80s hedgehog best.