

10" plate, blue/gold winter scene, 1979 Arabia, scandanavian ceramics
Oh, I wish it could be Christmas everyday-yay... then I'd use this plate non-stop.

• 10" date plate, Raija Uosikkinen for Finland's ever-popular Arabia


illustration of white dove in decorative bush of mistletoe
Here's a pair of recycled lithographic Christmas cards that never quite made it into production. When we changed supplier all our paper became recycled and made these guys sort of superfluous. Hopefully one day I'll find another job for them.
Christmas illustration of robin in holly bush


Alex Moulton F-Frame bike

Moulton Marathon in British Racing Green 
Alex Moulton, 1920—2012
I remember the first part of Steven Claydon's bacchanalian after-show party pretty well, though later events became noticeably less distinct in recollection... before receding from memory entirely. Luckily for me the exhibition itself lingers in the mind with crystalline, sober clarity. If you're in London's west end for some Christmas shopping you could do worse than flee the crowds for a five minute culture fix.

Sadie Coles, 4 New Burlington Place, London W1
29 November 2012 – 26 January 2013


Perfect weather for penguins this week. While Robert Bright's Which is Willy? (1963, Windmill Press) is wonderfully wintery, this really gets our little wings flapping with anticipation.


Whoever designed this flyer must be too cool for Crimbo or something... what's with the architecture and bold sans serif? I want sausage dogs in Santa hats with jingle bells galore. Still, hopefully the event will be full of festive fun with bargains by the sack-load. I'll be selling my usual quality seconds at rock-bottom prices and getting all squiffy on warm beverages that taste like old man's aftershave. Now, that must have sold it to you!

Friday December 7, 6.30pm-10.30pm
Saturday December 8 2012, 12pm-6pm
Great Western Studios, 65 Alfred Road, London W2



The three months of winter start today and I'm thinking we've got enough wood to keep warm. There's a heap of scrap this year but it'll burn well enough alongside the good stuff. Looks like we're not the only ones hunkering down; Pocket just loves this cover (made from parachutes by a Polish PoW), then again, there's probably a tell-tale layer of fur on every soft surface around here.